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Abu-Ghazaleh: Prescription for Success in Lebanon is ‘All of us! For our Country’

Special to TAG-IT-News Agency 

TYRE, Lebanon – Under the patronage and in the presence of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), the MENA EdTech Alliance in Lebanon in cooperation with the National School Network in Tyre District has organized a seminar entitled ‘The Future of Education, Innovation and Knowledge Stations in Line with the Vision of Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.’

The seminar took place at the Tyre Public High School’s Theater in the presence of Lebanon’s Minister of Labor, Mr. Mustafa Bayram, MP, Dr. Inaya Ezzeddine, Director General of the School Network in Tyre district, Father Jean Younis, and a number of academic and administrative bodies in addition to students.

In his address to the Lebanese people, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that the best prescription for success in Lebanon is simple, it lies in the implementation of the words of Lebanon’s national anthem “All of us! For our Country”, affirming that Lebanon has only two choices: either to innovate or perish.

Meanwhile, Director of Educational Consulting Center, Mr. Nabeel Bawab, warmly welcomed Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh to Tyre, the city of Musa Al-Sadr, saying that Talal Abu-Ghazaleh will remain the symbol of devotion, originality and giving.

For his part, the seminar coordinator and director, Dr. Majed Jaber, added: “The seminar tackles important issues regarding Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh's vision on the future of education and knowledge in light of the great transformations the world is experiencing today. Hence, we have to listen carefully.” 

Father Younis also stated, “It is our pride and pleasure to meet a self-made man who turned suffering into opportunities and became a mentor and a role model for Lebanon, Palestine and the Arabs, as he is an influential global personality in many fields.” Moreover, he expressed his thanks for establishing the Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Station in the Tyre district in light of the difficult economic and social conditions Lebanon is currently facing.

For his part, Head of the Southern Educational Region, Mr. Ahmed Saleh, said that modern technology has penetrated into the smallest details of an individual's life and imposed its pros and cons, affirming that both teacher and learner should develop an integrated plan that determines the path of leveraging from this technology to avoid its negative aspects and impact.

President of the MENA EdTech Alliance, Dr. Rabie Baalbaki, thanked Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his clear vision on the future of education, expressing his belief in the capacity and efforts of his colleagues in the Alliance in managing and providing Knowledge Stations with high-qualified trainers and technicians to make it succeed in accordance with the standards pursued by TAG.Global.

Dr. Ezzeddine stated that digital technology and artificial intelligence should be invested in to open the doors of digital future. She affirmed that Lebanon will emerge from its crisis thanks to the brave and the creative minds it owns to become more powerful, influential, knowledgeable and innovative.

His Excellency Dr. Bayram pointed out that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh is a role model of entrepreneurship and creating hope. He said that the suffering of the Palestinian people, enabled them to smartly turn their ordeal into a blessing, emphasizing that Lebanon, in these circumstances, should turn the crisis into an opportunity.