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Abu-Ghazaleh: Israel will not allow Lebanon to become an oil-producing country

Special to TAG-IT-News Agency 

BEIRUT – The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC) in Lebanon has hosted HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), to address a meeting on the ‘Economic Crisis in Lebanon and the Region: Causes and Solutions’. 

The According to ESEC President, Mr. Charles Arbid“The meeting was held to hear from the expert Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh and his approach to the Lebanese reality, especially since he has immense knowledge of what Lebanon and the region need through the Organization he leads, as well as all the positive initiatives and approaches he undertakes.” 

Mr. Arbid further voiced dissatisfaction about the situation in Lebanon, which is worsening and deteriorating on a daily basis, stating that there is a firm belief that whoever leads this country does not take the required decisions to stop the deterioration. 

He concluded by addressing Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh directly saying: “We are counting on Lebanon's friends, and you are one of its great friends. It is time for politicians to wake up and put things back in order by electing a president and enhancing national thinking to draw a roadmap to get back on track.” 

For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh outlined two key issues, first: Never wait for the future; instead, you should create it, as one of the thinkers has once said ‘the best way to predict the future is to create it’. Secondly, we are expecting and waiting for politicians to find solutions, while change does not necessarily have to come from them. Those who caused the problem cannot fix it.”

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh urged the Lebanese people to stop believing in turning their country into an oil and gas producing country, because Israel will never allow Lebanon to do it.

He emphasized that it is unacceptable to claim that education has collapsed and there are no teachers. However, teachers are underpaid, and they don’t have enough money to fill up gas tanks in their cars to get to schools. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, in the meantime, referred to a parallel education systemthat he submitted to Lebanon's Prime MinisterMr. Najib Mikati and to the Minister of Education. 

“I have submitted an integrated solution and handed it to Prime Minister Mikati, which is a complementary education system, namely the digital education. I hope through this initiative to fulfill my duty in this context by establishing a parallel digital education system that will not replace universities, educational institutes, or schools. However, it will become the digital learning system for the future.”

On the economic front, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stressed the need for establishing a corruption-free economic system called “Digital Economy” that has nothing to do with politics or sectarianism, noting that ‘Digital Commerce’ and ‘Digital Transformation’ have become a necessity. 

For that reason, he reaffirmed TAG.Global’s willingness to offer a "Special Internet Line" free of charge for educational purposes, if the Lebanese government agreed to grant TAG.Global the required licenses.

Concerning the frozen bank deposit issue, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said, “Due to the current inaction of the judiciary, there is no hope of achieving any progress in Lebanon on this issue.” He asserted that what has been committed against the depositors is a crime against humanity, adding, “The case I am handling will be filed at human rights relevant authorities.”